Chabad Going Virtual


As we experience a time of uncertainty, the one thing we can guarantee is that
Chabad will continue to be here for you every single day,
sharing light love, and community. 

Join any of these classes at


Please register me to be reminded by email the morning of these classes:
(Check the box next to the classes you'd like to receive email reminders for)




Mondays at 10:45 AM:  Torah and Tea with Rivky

Join Rivky for a weekly discussion on the Torah Portion and lessons to be learned from it.


Inspirational Video Message from Rabbi Klein 


View an inspirational video Message before Shabbat.
Either in our weekly email or on our Facebook page.


 New JLI Course: Secrets of the Bible


Revisit six seemingly absurd stories you may remember from Hebrew School and understand what's really going on. Sign up for a thought-provoking experience, sure to deepen your understanding of Judaism and enrich your life! 

In person: 6 Tuesdays starting  November 17th
Online: 6 Wednesdays starting November 18th
Sign up here.


 Virtual Menorah Lighting and Guest Presenters on the fist night of Chanukah.

chanukah zoom banner.png 

 Thursday, December 10th 6:30 pm

Click Here to register for free link. 


To help cover the costs of these new programs, click here to donate.